Michael McEwen
A native Californian, Michael McEwen was born in Pasadena in 1954. His fascination with industrial design, engineering and electronics began early, and like some kids, these interests flourished while tinkering with Erector Sets, disassembling & modifying bicycles, then cars, then guitars and amplifiers (the latter a byproduct of his glory days as a garage-band guitar player).
In his 20’s, McEwen performed classical ballet in the San Francisco Bay area before completing his studies in textile design at the University of California at Davis. After working as an industrial designer and colorist in the San Francisco apparel industry during the late 80's, he formed “Larock” a small Mill Valley studio, producing unique, hand screen-printed textiles. Further study in jewelry and sculpture provided the technique and drive to begin assembling salvaged materials into his first light fixtures. McEwen Lighting Studio was founded in 1990.
The Berkeley studio is in high demand among the architectural and interior design communities. McEwen has created luminaires for residences and businesses across the country and around the world, including entertainment industry icons Pixar Animation Studios, Dreamworks Records, and Interscope Records. His award-winning lighting has appeared in journals such as Architectural Record, Interior Design, Metropolitan Home, and Travel & Leisure.